In Latin, known as Zingiber officinale ginger. The rhizomes of plants treated very popular as a spice and medicine. Shaped like fingers and aroma typical spicy fragrance.
Dominant flavor in the spicy ginger apparently caused by a compound called zingeron. Give a warm feeling in the throat, stomach and whole body each time consume runs out.
Ginger is thought to have originated from India, was brought to the world as a spice trading. Shortly thereafter, ginger became a popular commodity because of its diverse benefits for health.
According to Dr. Jaishree Bhattacharjee, here are some natural benefits of ginger for health:
Increased appetite
Even if it was spicy, it was ginger can help increase appetite. Ginger gives a warm and comfortable feeling in digestion. Helps remove toxins from the body, so that when the stomach feels comfortable, your appetite will return.
Efficacious cure flu
While going through the flu, boiled ginger and drink that water. Trust ginger can help cure colds, sore throats and headaches, as well as make sleep more soundly because the body relax.
Cure common colds
If you are too tired, so easy to catch a cold body. Against common colds, you can chew ginger or drinking ginger.
Pain relievers and anti-inflammatory
Ginger contains a substance naturally a pain reliever and anti-inflammatory that is powerful enough to be relied on for minor complaints.
Additionally, if you've heard, ginger is also good to relieve cough. By chewing ginger and a little sugar, the sound becomes clearly again.
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