Tuesday, November 12, 2013

7 Tricks to Overcome The Bad Breath

You've diligently brushing your teeth and rinsing with mouthwash after you eat, but I still smell it? In fact you've tried many different tools the experts suggested, ah but your efforts seem futile.

Should not despair, there are some tips from Health Tips that will solve your bad breath problem. Let's find out the following:

1. Create a schedule veggie diet (vegetables) for you, should be raw vegetables. At least 50% of the consumption of raw vegetables every day for 2 weeks. And do you routinely veggie diet.

2. Make sure you drink every day of 1 - 1.5 liters of mineral water.

3. Avoid foods that cause bad smell, such as onions, coffee, and ice cream.

4. Make sure your toothbrush is always clean from germs, soak the toothbrush with hot water at least once a week so that the germs that stick escape from your toothbrush.

5. Avoid all types of products containing tobacco, especially cigarettes, the smokers they tend to have bad breath remarkable. never mind you never imagined if the smokers gathered in one room, you better read further tips alone.

6. Consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables every day, never missed tips on this one, because it benefits not only to prevent bad breath alone. Other health effects may also feel.

7. Who would not be missed, visit the dentist every 6 months.

Do not forget to share these tips you to colleagues and friends who have the same problem. Fresh breath, communication was smooth.

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